bird aid

Bird Aid is a rescue and rehabilitation centre located in Hailsham that specialises in gulls. Gulls are currently under threat from a major outbreak of bird flu and it is more vital than ever before that we protect them. The outbreak of bird flu is a direct result of intensive factory farming and there is little we can do to help wild birds who get infected. With gulls now in serious decline, Bird Aid aims to improve gull welfare through improving resources, collaborative efforts with associated organisations, and improving public perception of our beautiful sea birds.

Sea gulls are often given a bad reputation but they are really fascinating birds that are an essential part of our wildlife. Also, let’s be honest, if we could get away with stealing chips from unsuspecting victims at the beach we absolutely would…Don’t hate them ‘cause you aint them! ;)

Over the pandemic we became big fans of the creative content made by Arryn Skelly. Arryn got to know a seagull that always came to his window by offering food and water, who he affectionately called Steven. This documented online journey really allowed a community to see gulls as individuals and Arryn has done a fantastic job at championing these unique birds on a worldwide platform. We’ve even seen Steven’s chicks grow up! We’ve named our decaf coffee after a little on going joke in the Steven series as a nod to our favourite gull. 

It was through Arryn that we found out about Bird Aid as he was helping raise awareness about their need for donations to keep the site open. Gulls are not catered for in many rescues because of the expertise, space and money needed to look after them. Bird Aid gives the birds the best facilities and care which comes at a huge monetary cost. We are so pleased to be supporting them with donations through Sanctuary Coffee. 

Julia and the team at Bird Aid also work with the local community offering volunteering opportunities and work experience to learning disabled and autistic adults who benefit from the therapeutic effects of being outdoors and among animals.

You can read more about Bird Aid on their website here

You can find Arryn’s social media here