Brew guides

However you like to enjoy your coffee, we’ve got a brew guide to help you get the most out of our coffee.


It’s a classic. Whether you’re brewing for one or for the whole gang, the trusted cafetière is not one to let you down.

This recipe is for one serving but so long as your cafetière is big enough, you can scale this recipe however you like.

  1. Weigh out 15g of coarsely ground coffee and add this to your cafetière. Freshly ground coffee will always taste best.

  2. Pour 250g of just-off boiled water to your cafetière, give it all a big old stir and wait for 4 minutes.

  3. After 4 minutes, you’ll want to break the crust of coffee on top of your cafetière and discard any bubbly bits.

  4. That’s pretty much it! The longer you wait at the end, the more the flavour will develop. We like to wait another four minutes and serve into our best mugs.

Pour Over

Probably our fave way to enjoy coffee. Simple and delicious.

You’ll definitely need some gear for this one but our recipe comes as standard whether you’re brewing on an Orea, V60 or Kalita.

  1. Weigh out 20g of medium to coarse ground coffee.

  2. Rinse your filter paper and discard of spent water.

  3. Add the ground coffee to the brewer and tare your scales.

  4. In a circular motion, pour your water just off the boil to 40g to start the ‘bloom’ phase.

  5. Once all the coffee is saturated and the dripping has stopped, add another 40g to your brewer in a circular motion.

  6. Let the coffee draw down once more. This should take ~30s.

  7. For the third pour, slowly add 120g of water. This should take 30-45s,

  8. The fourth and final 100g pour should be right down the middle of the brewer and last another 30s.

  9. A total 300g within 3:00.


Home or pro barista, this recipe is for you.

Espresso should not be bitter. A good espresso is sweet, vibrant, silky and memorable.

  1. Start with your basket. If your basket is 18g, use 18g of coffee to start your recipe. Most home espresso machines are 17g so best check!

  2. We’re looking for a ratio of 1:2. This means for an 18g dose of ground coffee, we’re looking for 36g yield of liquid espresso.

  3. Grind your coffee into your portafilter, give it a firm (but not forced) level tamp.

  4. Lock the portafilter into the group head and place your fave cup and scales underneath.

  5. Start the extraction and timer and watch the magic happen.

  6. We’re looking for a brew time of 28-32s. If your espresso is racing through or dragging its heels, there’s a chance you might need to adjust your grind.

  7. When you’re at 36g stop the extraction, dispense your puck and purge the group.

  8. Give the espresso a good stir and taste. We’re looking for a sweet, balanced cup.

  9. If the espresso tastes bitter, grind the coffee a little finer next time. If the espresso tastes sour, grind the coffee a little coarser.